
The storyline was created 30 years ago, through actual game play. But the scripting came to life through real life experiences. Its what I like to call Semi-Fiction.

Elflandea is more than a game or art, its social movement a fantasy world of might, magic, drama, romance a place where dreams do come true. At the same time its rooted in history. Facts and stories, tributes to the real heroes of the past and today. The dialogue in the scripting is based upon real stories with real people. Elflandea is a social movement, a brand. Yes we are creating a game first. The story line is about elves but they have many of the same issues that people have today. Its a parallel of real people with real problems. We are going to create concepts that have never been seen before like armored Pegasus. Not the ones you find on a teenagers wall, I am talking about a mithril clad monster that is fast and a fighting platform used for dog fighting and close ground support ie. P-51 Mustang. The scripting calls for dog fighting Pegasus using WW2 fighting maneuvers vs poison breathing dragons. I am a student of history so the essence is all based on aspects of real life past experiences. The dialogue is based upon occurrences that have happened to me or the people around me. Semi fiction brings depth into the project.

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